
Out now! Toward Re-Entanglement: A Charter for the City and the Earth

bauhaus earth

We are thrilled to announce the updated publication of the Bauhaus Earth Charter for the City and the Earth! Launched at the Reconstructing the Future Conference in 2022, the Charter is a founding document of Bauhaus Earth. It is a call for the healthy and regenerative re-entanglement of human activity with the Earth’s natural systems; a call to engage human ingenuity and creativity to reimagine the act of building and dwelling.

Order your hard copy or download the PDF for free on the Jovis website.
The Charter is available in English and in German.

We hope that reading the Charter’s 12 principles of re-entanglement will inspire people from all fields and disciplines to reflect on how they can contribute to a built environment that heals rather than harms the planet. Recognizing the dire threats of climate collapse and mass extinction, Bauhaus Earth convened a group of scientists, architects, spatial planners, and policymakers from around the world to author a manifesto. “Toward Re-Entanglement: A Charter for the City and the Earth” is a call for radical transformation. It challenges all those with a role in the conception, production, operation, and governance of the building sector to address the systemic ecological, climatic, and social impacts incurred by its activities.

The beginning of a series

The Charter concludes: “The climate emergency has been described as a ‘crisis of imagination’, mainly referring to a breakdown in our ability to grasp the scale, complexity, and profound ramifications of human impacts on terrestrial health. It is also a crisis in our ability to imagine the counterfactual: a more positive, hopeful future.” The publication of the updated Charter is an exciting milestone for us, as it sets out this much-needed vision of a more hopeful future.

It also marks the launch of our “Bauhaus Earth Essay Series”, which will feature a diverse range of critical voices addressing the complete overhaul of the built environment. In addition, we are pleased to announce our forthcoming Bauhaus Earth Manuals. The manuals take a more practical approach to promoting regenerative building practices and their implementation. Each manual focuses on a case study that Bauhaus Earth has been involved with. They include stakeholder and participant reflections, practical how-to guides, and project documentation. The manuals not only present examples of regenerative building practices but also how to explore their scalability on a planetary level.

Download or order the Charter now!

Toward Re-Entanglement: A Charter for the City and the Earth
July 22, 2024
Philipp Misselwitz / Alan Organschi, JOVIS Verlag

Wiederverflechtungen: Eine Charta für unsere Städte und den Planeten
July 22, 2024
Philipp Misselwitz / Alan Organschi, JOVIS Verlag

The Bauhaus Earth Essays and the Bauhaus Earth Manuals are published by JOVIS Verlag. Design for both series is by Bureau Est.