


NEW: 11.04.2024. Access our most recent statement and a selection of images here: “Neue Europäische Bauhaus Akademie entwickelt Weiterbildungsangebote für die Bauwende.

29.09.2023: Download our previous press statement from here: “Die Zukunft des Bauens liegt im Baustellenabfall.”

29.09.2023: Download a selection of images related to our press statement here.



Bauhaus Earth Manuals
JOVIS Verlag, 2025

Books and Reports:

Toward Re-Entanglement – Bauhaus Earth Essays Volume 1
JOVIS Verlag, July 2024

Regionales Forschungscluster Holz und nachwachsende Rohstoffe: Für eine klimagerechte Transformation der Ressourcenregion Berlin-Brandenburg
Cluster Holz und nachwachsende Rohstoffe, April, 2024

Building for the Future, Series 2 
With Toni Piech Foundation, January 2024

Building for the Future, Series 1
With Toni Piech Foundation, October 2023

‘Wetlands and Construction’. An Opportunity for Berlin-Brandenburg 
With Material Cultures and Experimental, September 2023

Reconstructing the Future: Cities as Carbon Sinks – BE PUBLICATION
Birkhäuser & De Gruyter, June 2023

Carbon: A Field Manual for Building Designers
Wiley, September 2022

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:

Circular Practices in Construction
Journal of Physics, November 2023

Quantification of urban mitigation potentials – coping with data heterogeneity
Heliyon, May 2023

A Catalyst for Innovation? A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing the Potential of Urban Experiments to Transform Urban Planning Practices
Planning Theory & Practice, April 2023

Deforestation Drivers Across the Tropics and Their Impacts on Carbon Stocks and Ecosystem Services,
Anthropocene Science, April 2023

Land use change and carbon emissions of a transformation to timber cities
Nature, August 2022

Horizon Europe and new European Bauhaus NEXUS report
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission), February 2022

Buildings as a global carbon sink
Nature Sustainability, January 2020


Bauhaus Earth Media Highlights

Film Features – See us in action!

Die Zukunft baut Zirkulär: Das Projekt ProtoPotsdam von Bauhaus Erde” (German) – 414Films, November 2023

Bye-bye Beton: Nachhaltiges Bauen fundamental neu denken” (German) – ZDF, September 2023


Audio Features – Hear about our work!

Building sustainable cities: How they’re made (English) – Stora Enso Renewable Future Podcast, December 2023 

Klimaschonendes Bauen: Wie könnte die Wende gelingen? (German) – Deutschlandfunk, November 2023

Wald-Bau-Pumpe: Holzbau könnte das Klima retten (German) – BR, April 2023

NEW FUTURE #15 Dr. Schellnhuber – Die Erde im Klimawandel: Wie wir die Klimakrise bewältigen können (German) – NEW FUTURE Podcast, April 2023


News Highlights – Read all about it!


Vom Klimazerstörer zum Klimaheiler, Architektur Aktuell, December 7, 2023 (released online January 4, 2024)

Offener Brief an Scholz: Wir haben genug Wohnraum, Die Stadtzeitung, December 12, 2024, by Peter Pionke

Bauhaus Earth: Playing Fair in the Pursuit of Sustainable Design, koozArch, October 18, 2023

Lehmsteine: Die Zukunft des Bauens liegt im Baustellenabfall, Klima Forum Bau, October 4, 2023

Mit Holz bauen – aber anders: Interview mit Alan Organschi, Detail Magazine, October 2023

 Öffentliches Versuchsobjekt mitten in Potsdam: Labor der Bauwende soll im Frühjahr 2024 stehen, Tagesspiegel Plus, October 4, 2023, by Sandra Calvez


Bauhaus Erde: Potsdam als „Epizentrum der Bauwende“, Tagesspiegel, December 2, 2022

Mass is More installation reimagines Mies van der Rohe´s Barcelona Pavilion, dezeen, October 25, 2022; by Jon Astbury

Timber construction is a silver bullet for climate change, RIBA Journal; September, 05, 2022; interview with Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, by Chris Foges

Roadmap für das Bauhaus Erde, Bauwelt; June, 21, 2022; interview with Philipp Misselwitz, by Alexander Stumm

Ursula von der Leyen and Francis Kéré Open the Bauhaus Earth Conference, arch daily; June 13, 2022

Radikale Bauwende, Mit Holz aus der Klimakrise herausbeugen, Tagesspiegel; January 31, 2022, Interview with Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, by Jan Kixmüller


“Wir hätten diese Forschung viel früher beginnen müssen”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; October 27, 2021, Interview with Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, by Christoph Böhringer

“Kaum jemand empfindet Bauscham”, Spiegel; September 17, 2021, by Hilmar Schmundt


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