

November 2024 - June 2025


Ukraine, Berlin

Kharkiv sample collection @Anna Pomazanna


Grunt (UKR: кгрунтъ) investigates the potential of regenerative reconstruction in Ukraine using earth sourced from contaminated soils by industrial, agricultural and wartime sources. Their aim is to address war-related environmental pollution, making its remediation an integral part of reconstruction and engaging architects in the effort. Central to the project is promoting multidisciplinary cooperation networks and developing guidelines that can be applied to other post war contexts worldwide.

Urban mining Lviv @Anna Pomazanna

Portrait Anna Pomazanna and Mykhailo Shevchenko ©Zlatoslava Kryshtafovych

Anna Pomazanna and Mykhailo Shevchenko

Anna Pomazanna and Mykhailo Shevchenko explore together new modes of architectural production. They are deeply engaged in the transformation of Ukrainian architectural education, while experimenting with new approaches to confront the pressing challenges of wartime and ecological crisis. On the one hand, Anna has been working on large-scale projects, ranging from reconstruction of public buildings to urban planning proposals for post-industrial transformation areas. Mykhailo, on the other hand, has been deeply engaged with materiality and construction techniques and research. Together they focus on discovering new sustainable building methods amidst the crisis, applying their skills and knowledge to navigate the specificities of Ukraine’s local context and conditions. They are Lecturers at Kharkiv School of Architecture and co-founders of the NGO ”Circular Laboratory”, where they foster and introduce сircular practices, decarbonization, local materials and technologies, energy efficiency, reuse and recycling into education and practice.

Kharkiv sample collection @Anna Pomazanna

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Bauhaus Earth Alumni

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