
Stiction: Exploring Energy and Materials in Stadtbad Luckenwalde

bauhaus earth

Bauhaus Earth collaborated with the E-WERK Luckenwalde, Universität der Künste, and Kunstakademie Düsseldorf to create a new exhibition in Stadtbad Luckenwalde. The exhibition, titled “stiction“, will be open on select days between 26 July and 04 August 2024.

In this collaboration, eighteen artists reanimate an abandoned Bauhaus-era indoor pool in Luckenwalde through an exploration of energy and materials. The Stadtbad Luckenwalde (built in 1929) is a historic building designed by Bauhaus architect Hans Hertlein. It is located next to the E-WERK Luckenwalde, an operational renewable energy power station and contemporary art centre.

Stiction, the namesake of the exhibition, is the force that two touching static objects exert on each other. This force must be overcome in order to set one or both objects in motion. The artworks displayed in the exhibition offer a new look and diverse perspectives on renewable energy and local materials.

Buildings on the E-Werk Luckenwalde site.

Building the exhibition through “unlearning”

In preparation for the exhibition, Bauhaus Earth and E-WERK hosted the workshop “UNLEARNING Energy and Material Cultures” on 4 and 5 July 2024. Workshop participants examined the idea of “unlearning”: letting go of outdated knowledge and beliefs while experimenting with and establishing innovative practices. Unlearning is necessary to achieve a sustainable transformation in both the construction and energy sectors – but how can the concept be applied in diverse contexts, including our own practices?

Participants in the workshop learned about regenerative local energy and material production, made and tested alternatives, and explored how a transition can be brought about. Together, they created a material catalogue documenting local and natural building materials and their supply chains. This also included information on their extraction methods and climate impact. Finally, materials from the encyclopaedia were combined to create small installations, sculptures, and exemplary building fragments, which now make up part of the “stiction” exhibition.

A person demonstrating two material samples from the Stiction exhibition.

Exhibition details

The exhibition opening will take place on Friday, 26 July from 16:00–23:30.

Exhibition period: 26 July – 4 August 2024

Opening hours:

Saturday, 27 July, 12:00 – 18:00
Sunday, 28 July, 12:00 – 18:00
Saturday, 3 August, 12:00 – 18:00
Sunday, 4 August, 12:00 – 18:00

Location: Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 72, 14943 Luckenwalde

Artists: Agrina Vllasaliu, Anna Poubová, Enya Burger, Nadine Karl, Kiwon Jung, Hemin Nam, Helena Doppelbauer, Hendrik Arns, Jehoon Yii, Jessica Tille, Johannes Jakobi, Hyeong Ung Ko, Lisa Hofmann, Nils-Simon Fischer, Om Bori, Janina Kempkens, Philipp Boshart, Saskia Tamara Kaiser

UNLEARNING project management: Georg Hubmann (Bauhaus Earth) and Florine Lindner (E-WERK)

UNLEARNING Energy and Material Cultures was supported by the Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz as part of the Bauhaus Earth “ReBuilt” project. It was part of “Welten verbinden – Kulturland Brandenburg 2024/2025”. Kulturland Brandenburg 2024/2025 is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning of the State of Brandenburg. With the kind support of the brandenburgischen Sparkassen and the Investment Bank of the State of Brandenburg.