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Regenerative Cities and Regions
Local & Regional Practices
Participation & Community
2025 – Present
Germany and USA
Transatlantic Frontrunners

As part of the Transatlantic Program from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Bauhaus Earth has initiated a two-year project: it will promote knowledge building and exchange between Germany and US cities in the field of the regenerative built environment.
Linking environmental protection and social justice
The project supports small, formerly industrialized cities in understanding how they can reduce CO2 emissions from buildings over their entire life cycle. At the same time, innovative solutions and ideas for social housing are to be initiated. By targeting both municipal leaders and students, the project fosters both transatlantic and intergenerational exchange of knowledge. This integrated approach promotes regenerative and just urban development by addressing ecological and social aspects together across generations.
Combining climate protection and housing policy
Over two years, we will offer municipal leaders from Germany and the US the opportunity to share best practices and innovative approaches. The exchange concentrates on smaller municipalities playing a key role in structural change, with a focus on industrial cities in the northeast of the US and eastern Germany, as well as the Ruhr region in western Germany. The goal is to jointly identify challenges and develop solutions that effectively combine climate protection and housing policy.
Priority topics include the decarbonization of building materials, both renovation of existing and new carbon-friendly construction of buildings and infrastructure; bioregional planning, regional land use strategies for forestry and building value chains for biomaterials; just transitions in the built environment – affordable housing, innovative housing cooperatives, social dialogue and participation, new employment opportunities and reduction of socio-spatial inequalities.
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Our partner organisations
The project is supported by the Transatlantic Program of the Federal Republic of Germany, funded by the European Recovery Program (ERP) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
The project is further supported by prominent advisors:
Klaus Mindrup, former Member of the German Bundestag and District Councillor in the Berlin district of Pankow.
Max Grünig, Senior Policy Advisor at E3G in Washington DC, co-founder of POCACITO (the Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow)


Anne Baltruschat
Project Manager

Lily Teitelbaum
Global Lab Coordinator
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